Saturday, March 7, 2020

Time is Flying By

In the land of Shepherdsville Kentucky live two missionaries, Elder Greenlaw and Elder Lemmon vs 80,000 people.  Will they listen? If you haven't noticed, Elder Lemmon is my new companion. I'm still a district leader and all the sisters are training in our district. It's cool to see that they are on fire. We have been focusing this transfer on the first vision. We are learning so much. I've felt confirmation after conformation from the Spirit testifying that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. This vision, set the path for us to have the restored gospel today!!! We are so lucky to live during this time. We are so privileged to be able to share what we know with others.

Elder Lemmon and I, have been tracting like forever. We are working really hard to find what we call spiky bois 🐊 (which comes from gators, or investigators) Nothing has come of it which is really heartbreaking. It is hard to see so many miss out on the great blessing of the gospel. I have been thinking during this time, "Why should I keep knocking doors". The Spirit has told me that as I make this effort and provide an opportunity for God's children to accept his gospel, I will have a great reward in heaven. So.. I've committed myself to go and talk to everyone, even if no one accepts our invitation. It's not going to be because I didn't go out and open my mouth and knock on a few doors. Elder Lemmon is a great missionary who likes to have fun like me. What's been really working is he feels like he just doesn't know what to say to the people. This is when he feels anxiety. But I'm the opposite, I feel anxious before we even step outside or when we walk down the street. But when I talk to people, every worry fades away. So we draw on each other strengths to keep working hard!! Missionary work is super hard but with hard things comes everything that good - D&C 122. I'm thankful for all the things I've gone through. I'm glad I'm still able to feel forgiveness for all my shortcomings. God is good, God is great. 

I hope everyone gets the chance to prepare themselves for this upcoming General Conference. I promise, if you will prepare yourself and follow the voice of the prophet, you will have a good experience. You are the only one that can make the time to study the life of the prophet, Joseph Smith. 

Thank you for everyone's support and love. Thank you for the emails from those at home. I really appreciate it. I pray everyone can have a better week than the last and we can all work towards a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father!! 

I love you all... I will talk to you next time.
Elder Greenlaw