Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Week 14: Be of Good Cheer and Count Your Many Blessings

This week has been awesome! We have had success in our efforts to help our members in the ward. We are focusing really hard on the members, having them do the finding and the missionaries do the teaching.  Boyyyyy is it tough. It's a work in process, but what I have seen lately is everyone is more happy to help us in any way. Previously, the members were not missionary minded and they didn't really talk to anyone. Our efforts are working and hopefully we will get some great referrals soon. 

I love my area and it makes me sad to think that I may only have just a week left with my dad (trainer). He's a good boy and we get a long quite well. Some things I've learned this week are when you are working hard, things go by faster and easier. You would think that wouldn't be the case, but it really shows. Not only that, but other people we teach can see if you are working hard and living the gospel. Their hearts are softened. 

We have a really nice lady named C to church this week. She's had a tough life and is really willing to learn and go to church. We hope she wants to become a member hehe. We are also hopeful about our best friend A. We found her from our investigator S. They are neighbors and best friends. We got in contact with them by helping them both quit smoking. S is so nice and awesome. She is very spiritual and is reading the Book of Mormon!!!!! She is asking questions about Lehi and Nephi. It shows us that she is willing to do things that will help her learn and grow closer to Jesus Christ. We are going to continue working with her and the blessings and miracles are increasing as we increase our efforts. It's amazing to see. 

I love this gospel and sharing it is really hard, but it has helped me to grow and become the best person I can be. And think about it, I just started!!! The important part in all of this is people we teach and talk with will see the truth and light of this restored gospel. I give everything I am and have to my Savior. 

This Easter season really hit me in the heart as I focused on the atonement of Jesus Christ. It was more emphasized for me, and I wish it was like that every day. The atonement is the single most important event in the entire universe. He is my light. I choose to be cheerful because it is a commandment of His. Read Mark 6 and you will read about the experience of Jesus walking on water after the apostles struggled for hours. He said.. be of good cheer. Christ will not let us struggle forever, but he does let us struggle a bit sometimes because He knows it's good for us. This is part of the Plan of Happiness. 

I testify that the Savior lives and that he loves us. If we turn to him, he will heal each of us as he did for me in my life. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Love Elder Greenlaw 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Week 13: Thank You For the Birthday Wishes - I Love You!!

First off I'm sorry I didn't write last week. PDay flew by and I didn't have time because it was a party. I went to Keeneland Race Track in Lexington, KY and watched the horses for my birthday. It was district PDay so I got to spend it with a bunch of friends. 

Elder Greenlaw turns 20! Happy Birthday!!!

Going out to eat at Joellas for my birthday! 

Chicken and Waffles, baby! 

Keeneland Race Track

Birthday, treat! 


Enjoying a nice day on our bikes!

Spring is a coming! 

General Conference was AMAZING! I'm gonna be honest, this was the first time I haven't fallen asleep in conference and I learned so much because of it. I learned so much about families and repentance. One thing that really stuck out to me and reminded me about my life, was the topic of repentance. One talk in priesthood session that everyone should watch because it was amazing, was about treating your wife with the upmost respect. It is a priority with God.  I've always felt this way. I can't wait to love my wife so freaking much. I've always been so excited for the unity that comes with marriage. That will be the most amazing thing to happen to me in my entire life. Hey special lady, better watch out because I'm gonna love you to death. Anyways, back to missionary work.  In Conference, they talked about each of us needing to wake up from our spiritual slumber and prepare our selves for the war that is happening against the adversary. Repentance should not be a bad thing that satan makes it seem like. It is not a punishment. Turning to Christ and being cleansed through Him, is the greatest experience and most amazing this that will ever happen to you. Christ is there, with his arms open, ready to receive you. His love is intimate and real. We shouldn't take it for granted.  We should all enjoy the repentance process because it's a good thing. Please don't postpone repentance, because you are just being carefully led away by Satan when you hold on to sin. It is a state of endless unhappiness that I know you don't want. Go do what you gotta do. We need to prepare ourselves now because Satan is quadrupling his efforts. If we don't quadruple our efforts, we are gonna lose the fight. Be on God side and you won't regret it. 
Anyways, I love all of you and pray for you. I know God will prepare a way for you to come closer to Him. I am a witness that this is true. The savior is willing, let him heal you. Please, please, please! Have a great week and share your testimony with everyone. Support and build each other! 
See ya next week,
Elder Greenlaw

Monday, April 1, 2019

Week 11: Pushing Through

It has been an amazing week. I have had so many hard but amazing experiences that have helped me in my life. I've really come to love my personal study each day. I didn't know that I could learn so much. Personal study is the key to our individual growth. No one can make you do it but yourself. Personal revelation is the most amazing thing and one of the greatest blessings we have. It shows us how much Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ love us individually. They love us sooo much!!  
I am not gonna lie, the mission is hard. Harder than I ever thought. Mostly because it takes a toll on your mind, your body, and your spirit. It's exhausting! It is also easy to get distraught and down. But let me tell you, I have never grown so much in such a short amount of time in my entire life. We are in this life to have struggles and battles. We shouldn't see them as a bad thing, because they aren't. They make us stronger. If you notice, these things, each and everyone of them, shapes our soul. Every day of every minute counts. Keep going. I am going to keep going. I won't give up. I did that once and that was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. 
Giving up means being subject to the will of the devil. This is hell. True hell! When you submit to him, his chains bound you and you experience sorrow and depression. Please don't give up. There was one person who broke those bonds and chains and will help us if we do what He asks. It is all possible, through our Savior Jesus Christ. He has redeemed me from my own eternal torment. The depth of bitterness I felt, He lifted me from that. I owe everything to Him. I will give Him my all because there was no greater gift given. When we keep going through this life, persevering through our trials and commit ourselves to live His gospel, we are showing Him that we love Him. 
This week we got S, one of our investigators to church!!!! Heck yeah! It has been so hard to get people to keep commitments, but she did it! We are so happy! She is set to be baptized on May 4th so we are helping her work towards that goal.  
We went to a Spanish family's home evening the other night. Haha. The whole thing was in Spanish. We went to play guitar for the hymns they were singing. I didn't understand one word or sentence that was said that entire meeting. But one thing I know, was that the Spirit was there. When some of the people were talking, you could feel how thick the Spirit was in the room. I know that the Spirit was there and that everyone felt it. I know that the Holy Ghost is real. I know the Spirit testifies of truth and also helps us understand God's love for us. I know this is the true church on the earth today because of these great opportunities I get to participate in. It's real, He is real. I testify of Him with all my heart. I know He loves you and will take care of you if you let him. 
I love all of you, including my family and friends. I invite you, wherever you are in life, at this very moment, to help others partake of the blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The gospel has so much to teach and give us. Reach out to those in need. Look outward to others, like the Savior did, and forget about yourself every now and then. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Elder Godfrey and Elder Greenlaw enjoying some good weather and time on their bikes!

Elder Greenlaw loves chicken and waffles so his companion and him made their own.