Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Week 10: What Do I Need to Do To Get Baptized?

So this week has been an interesting one. We met with some new people this week. S is amazing and is working towards baptism. She has a very deep and has a personal relationship with the Savior. The only thing she really has problems with is the Word of Wisdom. Getting her to quit smoking will be hard but she already knows and feels bad about doing it. We had a lesson with her at the church and have committed her to going to church consistently. Saturday she said her brother in law had a freak accident and died while in the middle of driving his car at 3 in the morning. We are trying to keep her in our prayers. But the more I'm in Kentucky, the more I learn that people make up stories to get out of things. This could possibly be this situation here. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. Please pray for her that everything will work out and she will come to church and continue progressing. 

T Is a awesome guy we met after his father passed away. His dad was a member of the church. We helped his family get their cremated dad. The family's bills were adding up and they didn't have the money to pay off the cremation. A few ward members cut a deal with the crematory and they got their dad's remains back. They got a discounted rate and a more manageable monthly payment so everything worked out. Anyways, we have been in contact with him. They family loved their dad and they were humbled to know we were willing to help them get his remains. T's dad always wanted him to learn about the Book of Mormon but he never listened until he was dead. He was too busy or too tired after getting home from work like most people are. They wanted to learn and we wanted to teach so it worked out. T is progressing and he straight up asked us in the second lesson what he needs to do to get baptized. We are helping him get there and making sure he actually knows what that means Haha. 

But yeah, that's been our week. Please pray for the people in Kentucky and all the missionaries. Pray that the people will be sustained in their struggles. It is really hard out here. Missionary work is the hardest thing because we are trying to change people's lives. That's not an easy thing. Pray for all the people who are being taught and foe the missionaries teaching. Also, pray for the members in the area, that they may be better with their own missionary work as members. We have been asked to help teach and spread the gospel. Full time missionary or not, it doesn't matter. We all need to just share the gospel. When you as a member, talk to your friends. It helps us missionaries out a lot.

I love y'all so much and I pray for every one of you. I truly love you. God loves you. Don't ever forget that.  Continue to maintain that testimony and pray to know how much God loves you because it can slip away just as any testimony can slip away if we don't nourish it. 

Have a blessed week!

Elder Greenlaw

These pictures explain missionary in Kentucky

Our District

Every district has a name and ours is Triple Crown. Here are pictures of our district 
when we were kids. Can you guess which one is me? 

Learning to play the harmonica - Elder Greenlaw says playing music 
helps keep their spirits up when tracting is hard. 

Elder Godfrey trying all the sauces at Chewy

Fun times at lunch! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Week 9: Weird Week

Hey y'all, 

This week has been really really weird. We got our car towed to start! It too us 4 hours to get it back. Haha It is okay now because we have our car and we can actually get back to work now. 

This week has flown by. Every day has been different but one of the most exciting things is we got an amazing new referral. She is a friend of a family in our ward. We were able to have dinner with her and a lesson. She is super interested and wants to learn more so I am excited for that. This does not happen very often so we are very grateful. 

It is the end of my first transfer this week. It is crazy to think I've been out 2 months already. Elder Craven is being transferred so that means the boys are being separated. Ha If you didn't know, we go over to the Spanish Elder's apartment a lot for Wi-Fi and laundry. They are our best friends so we talk to them a lot. Elder Craven will be missed by all of us. 

The mission is hard! I know my Heavenly Father is helping me to grow, but if you wouldn't mind praying for people in Kentucky. We need our ward boundary members hear our message. It has been very difficult to find people to teach. 

(When I talked to Elder Greenlaw, he told me they knocked on a lot of doors without luck. They also don't have a ward mission leader, so referrals are low. It is hard to stay motivated when you don't have anyone to talk to. You also get out of practice. :) He knows that Satan would love to have him discouraged, and we talked about looking for small miracles in everyday. Service is a great way to forget about the slow work and keep busy). 

Elder Greenlaw loves you all and wishes the best for you. I will do what the Lord Commands! 

Until next week. 

Elder Greenlaw played his mama a song on his guitar. Gotta love those dimples!

Elder Greenlaw trying to jog for the first time in a long time 
Crying because he is so out of shape. 

A porch he tracted - Pretty sure these pumpkins have been here for 4 months

Monday, March 11, 2019

Week 8: My Testimony

We had a great call with Elder Greenlaw this morning. He said that things had gone better this week and they had the opportunity to teach a few people. They knock on doors and visit less actives, but haven't had much success there. He didn't seem discouraged by this at all. He kept sharing his testimony and love for the work. He is happy, and loves serving with his companion in his district. He is growing spiritually by leaps and bounds. It is fun to talk to him and hear how happy he is serving the Lord. 

Check out this paint job! 

Lunch with the district

Separate Checks

We are the Elders! 

All fun aside, I want to bear you my testimony and share what I feel is important this week.

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of Him to declare His word among His people, that they might have everlasting life."  3 Nephi 5: 13

This scripture means more to me than anyone could ever know, except for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. But for reals, this now has more meaning and purpose to me not only as a missionary but for the rest of my life. I am a Disciple of Christ. As a member of the church, there is no greater responsibility than to join Christ in his work and his glory. We have been baptized through His authority and now we must help others to receive His gospel and blessings.
I have been called of Him. I used to think this pertained to only the people called on missions. This call is for everyone. We all have a purpose. Before this life, we knew the plan and what He had called us to do in this life. We would come to earth in a fallen and imperfect state. This means physically, mentally, and spiritually. But our Heavenly Father provided the one way to overcome that, through Jesus Christ. Come to know Him and I mean KNOW HIM. This is a whole lifetime pursuit.  In return, we are called to do His work. Every single one of us. You are good enough. You can be strong enough. You are loved so much. Hold tight to that and push forward with an eye single to the glory of God. 

Why do we need to do this? What's at the finish line? Everlasting life. I encourage everyone to keep studying the meaning of what it is to have everlasting life. I know it is the greatest gift, better than anything we can really comprehend. Those who understand the kingdoms of heaven know about the Telestial kingdom. If we were to see what that was like, we would all give up everything to have that. That's how generous and amazing our Heavenly Father is. But wait, there is more. Why strive for the lowest kingdom that God has created for us when we can easily have more. The Terrestrial kingdom is easily obtainable. But there's more, why not work to achieve the Celestial Kingdom. The only place where we can live and dwell with Heavenly Father, AND have eternal families. FAMILIES CAN BE FOREVER. Please remember why you are here. Work is to have faith, accept our Savior and follow him. If you can't give up your phone (you know who you are). I WILL SLAP YOU. hahaha I want not only my family but everyone to partake of this wonderful opportunity and glory that the gospel can bring. I really do. 

I, Elder Greenlaw, stand as a witness and a representative of Jesus Christ. I am a disciple and I know that all these things are true. I only know this because I worked hard to know them for myself. God granted me this knowledge. You can receive this knowledge too. It's a personal and unique witness for each of us to have. I promise these things in the name of Jesus Christ. I am nothing without him. I glory in Him not of myself. He's giving me the strength to serve, He's forgiven me for my sins, and He has saved me. I can't tell you how amazing this is. Please pray for and learn these things for yourself.  

I love my Savior and He loves me and you. 
Elder Greenlaw

Monday, March 4, 2019

Week 7: This Week Was Rough

This week has been rough I'm not gonna lie. I've been really struggling with helping people have the restored gospel when they are already super happy with their own church. There is one thing I testify of and hold tight onto when that happens, the Book of Mormon. "I testify that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is in this book. It is the ancient record of the inhabitants in the Americas. The record is about a prophet and his family that left Jerusalem about 600 year BC. It shares revelations and teachings of Christ to these people. It contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Combined with the Bible, all doctrine is made clear, all questions can be answered. There is not any other book on the earth that is more correct than the Book of Mormon. I know this is be true because of a promise given at the end of the book. At the end of the Book of Mormon, there is a promise. If you will read it with true intent, yearning to know if the book is true, and that it is written from prophets of God, the Spirit of God will testify of its truthfulness to you. You will come to know that God did restore his gospel to this earth during this dispensation. You can come to know for yourself. Here is a copy of the book I tell you about. (this is where I give them a copy) We want to teach you more about it and help you with your questions. We want to teach you about the true church of Jesus Christ here on earth. Will you read this book? It doesn't have to be all at once, but over time you will see that it is the word of God."

If you personally don't know about the power of the Book of Mormon or have forgotten what it can do for you in your life, I encourage you to read just a little bit tonight and a little more tomorrow. Say a prayer every single time you read to know if the words in the book are true and that they are the word of God.  

I promise, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that this small act will change your life. It will bring you more happiness, purpose, and blessings in your life. 

Read Moroni 7

Love Elder Greenlaw

This week Elder Greenlaw went on splits and had dinner at a family friend's house. Chloe Griffith's sister Aliza, lives in Lexington and had these cute missionaries over for dinner. What a fun surprise! 

It snowing! 

Trying to contain his excitement. 

Crying because he is so happy

Snow in Lexington! Finally! 

If you know Elder Greenlaw, you know how much he loves snow. 
First snow fall he has experienced in Kentucky! 

Outside our apartment

Snowed in on PDay!

Study time

2 years baby!